The newsletter for anyone interested in Edisun Power
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23.10.2020 | Newsletter 2/2020
The first half of 2020 was marked by the Corona crisis. The pandemic led to very low electricity prices in Europe, which had a corresponding impact on the Edisun Power Group's accounts. Since photovoltaic systems are remotely monitored and require little maintenance or repair, the systems have produced electricity without being affected by the virus. This shows that Edisun Power's business model is highly resistant to external influences. The restrictions imposed by the pandemic also had a limited impact on the further development of the Portuguese projects. In particular, the construction of the 49 MW Mogadouro plant is still on track....... |
08.05.2020 | Newsletter 1/2020
Almost overnight, the public interest has changed abruptly: While combating climate change was at the top of the national and international agenda until February, COVID-19 has dominated the headlines since March. The virus shows in the most drastic way how vulnerable society is and the enormous impact nature can have on our lives. However, despite the Corona crisis, it must not be forgotten that with climate change, mankind is heading for a much greater catastrophe with far more extensive consequences. We must therefore never lose sight of the measures for sustainable energy supply. |